15 Leading Research Universities Launch Joint Technology Licensing Program
The University Technology Licensing Program (UTLP) provides widespread, convenient, and efficient access to valuable inventions owned by these 15 universities relating to particular technologies, products, and solutions that enable new leading-edge products to be brought to market in the fields of the physical sciences.
The UTLP universities collectively spend more than $12 billion on research activities per year. Those activities have generated important patented inventions that have improved lives and enabled innovative new products. By way of only a few examples over the years, these inventions include contributions to the development of ARPANET (the foundation for the Internet), the Mosaic web browser, MPEG-2 and other digital video compression formats, and more. The universities’ cutting-edge research has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards, and its researchers have been recipients of multiple Nobel prizes for their related research.
UTLP was formed to provide a way to conveniently disseminate and encourage further use of innovations contributed to the pool by the participating universities. The program will provide interested companies with a “one-stop shop” that licenses patents relevant to licensees’ existing and/or future product offerings. Revenues derived from the licensing program will support the universities’ ongoing research and innovation.
UTLP has identified multiple technology areas in which participating universities have patented inventions available for licensing. Each participating university will determine which patents from among its intellectual property portfolio to contribute to the UTLP pool. UTLP anticipates starting with licensing efforts in connectivity (e.g., power management, networking protocols, signal processing and codecs, location tracking, cameras and image processing), autonomous vehicles (e.g., millimeter-wave hardware, optical hardware, cybersecurity, sensors), and data applications (e.g., storage, data management, network protocols). In the future, UTLP expects to license university patents in semiconductor fabrication, applied electronics, batteries, photovoltaics, robotics, and other areas.